League Guidelines (Grand River Local League)

PrintLeague Guidelines


2024– 2025 SEASON

1. OMHA Regional Director Region 2 Area D (Luanne Fakelman) Responsible for the GRLL:

The Region 2 Area D RD will be the Grand River Local League’s OMHA Regional Director as the league is primarily located within their OMHA geographic area.

o   The Region 2 Area D RD will receive, review and approve all OMHA material that relates to the following OMHA Centres located in the Grand River Local League:

o   Ayr, Beverly, Embro, New Hamburg, Plattsville, St. George, Tavistock, and Twin Centre

o   The Region 2 Area D RD will rule on any Maltreatment/Match Penalty issued in games played in Ayr, Beverly, Embro, New Hamburg, Plattsville, St. George, Tavistock and Twin Centre.

2. OMHA Regional Director Region 3 Area C (Michelle Bridges):

o   The Region 3 Area C RD will receive, review and approve all OMHA material that relates to the following OMHA Centres located in the Grand River Local League:

o   Hespeler and Woolwich

o   The Region 3 Area C RD will rule on any Maltreatment / Match Penalty issued in games played in Hespeler and Woolwich.

3. OMHA Convenor for the Grand River Local League (GRLL Convenor) (Mike Thibeau)

The GRLL Convenor cannot act as a GRLL Centre Contact for a participating Centre.

The GRLL Convenor will be responsible for the day-to-day operation of the Grand River Local League – i.e. interpret and implement the Rules and Regulations as approved by the Grand River Local League.

The GRLL Convenor will be responsible for the yearly appointment of the various GRLL Divisional Statisticians and Referee-In-Chief for the upcoming season.

The GRLL Convenor cannot make a motion or vote on a motion, unless there is a tie vote of the membership.  If there is a tie, the Convenor’s vote will break the tie.

If a GRLL Centre has a problem/concern with an issue relating to the GRLL Rules and Regulations the GRLL Centre Contact needs to contact the Convenor. The Convenor will deal with the problem/concern and give his ruling.  If the GRLL Centre does not agree with the Convenor’s ruling then that Centre has the right to appeal, via their GRLL Centre Contact, to the OMHA Regional Director responsible for the GRLL – The Region 2 Area D RD. This includes all ten GRLL Centres.  The Region 3 Area C RD, will be cc’d on any issue involving Hespeler and/or Woolwich for information purposes.

If a GRLL Centre has a problem/concern with an issue relating to the rules, regulations or policies of the OMHA, OHF, or Hockey Canada, the GRLL Centre Contact needs to contact their appropriate OMHA Regional Director.

4. GRLL Secretary/Treasurer (Alex Davidson):

The Grand River Local League Secretary/Treasurer position is elected yearly by the GRLL Centre Contacts at the year-end Annual General Meeting.

  • In conjunction with the OMHA Convenor for the GRLL prepare the agendas for the various General Meetings and the Annual General Meeting. He will electronically distribute all material for the various General Meetings and the Annual General Meeting at least two weeks prior to each scheduled GRLL meeting.
  • Will keep the General Meeting and Annual General Meeting notes from which he will prepare minutes from those notes to send to the various GRLL Centre Contacts within four weeks after each specific meeting.
  • Will keep and update the GRLL Centre Contact List.
  • Has financial signing authority as a dual signatory in conjunction with the OMHA Convenor for the GRLL.
  • Cannot make a motion or vote on a motion.
  • Cannot act as a GRLL Centre Contact.


5. Divisional Statisticians (Rick Pearson – U8 & U9, Kerri Gettliffe – U11, Dave Kearley - U13, Mike Thibeau - U15, Daryl Mahon - U18):

Divisional Statisticians will collect the electronic game sheets; prepare documents such as league standings, number of penalties and penalty minutes for teams in their specific division; and track suspensions to ensure they are properly served. They will also assist the GRLL Convenor as required. 

GRLL Centre Contacts must ensure only they will be the person from their specific Centre to make initial contact with the Divisional Statisticians. Home Centre executive, team officials, parents, etc. are not to be contacting the Divisional Statisticians. The Divisional Statisticians will inform anyone other than the GRLL Centre Contact who contacts them that they need to contact their GRLL Centre Contact to get their questions answered. The Centre Contact will then make the inquiry to the specific Divisional Statistician.

The Divisional Statistician cannot make a motion or vote on a motion.  They cannot act as a GRLL Centre Contact.

6 Grand River League Centre Contacts:

GRLL Centre Contacts will represent their home Centre at all league meetings.  This will include making decisions for their home Centre on items brought forward at the league meetings requiring a vote.  There will be one vote per Centre.

GRLL Centre Contacts will ensure that executive members, and GRLL teams (bench staff, players and parents) from their Centre are informed of all matters pertinent to their participation in GRLL.

GRLL Centre Contacts will ensure that the on-ice officials (referees/linespersons) and off-ice officials (timekeepers/scorekeepers) officiating GRLL games at their Centre are informed of the GRLL Rules and Regulations as they are pertinent to their role in GRLL games.

They will ensure their home Centre executive, team officials, parents, etc., do not make initial contact with the OMHA Regional Director, GRLL Convenor, or GRLL Divisional Statisticians.

The Centre Contact will ensure that all electronic team rosters are submitted to their specific OMHA Regional Director as outlined in #2 (B, C) of the GRLL Rules and Regulations.  The appropriate OMHA Regional Director will inform the GRLL Convenor if teams have not abided by #2.B (Team Rosters) and 2.C (AP Rosters). This rule/regulation will be enforced by the GRLL OMHA Convenor.

7. GRLL Referee-In-Chief (RIC) (Daryl Mahon):

The RIC will assist each Centre’s Referee-In-Chief in implementing the HCOP (Hockey Canada Officials Program).   He will assist the GRLL Convenor and Divisional Statisticians as required. GRLL Centre Contacts will not initially contact the GRLL RIC on any matter. Initial contact will be with either the GRLL Convenor or the specific Divisional Statistician to get clarification of a playing rule or an issue involving on-ice officials for a review by the GRLL RIC.

The Referee-In-Chief cannot make a motion or vote on a motion.  He cannot act as a GRLL Centre Contact.

8.  Grand River Local League Honorary Lifetime Membership:

Honorary Lifetime Membership may be granted to an individual who has provided a longstanding and distinguished service to the Grand River Local League (GRLL). Current Ontario Minor Hockey Association Board Members are ineligible for this award.

Individuals may be nominated to be a Honorary Lifetime Member by any Member Centre of the Grand River Local League and the granting of Honorary Lifetime Membership must be confirmed by a majority vote of the Grand River Local League Centres.

An Honorary Lifetime Member can speak to but cannot move, second or vote on a motion.

This honorary appointment will not preclude the individual’s continued active participation in the Grand River Local League.

Nominations must be submitted by March 31st of each season.

The Ontario Minor Hockey Association Appointed Convenor for the Grand River Local League will be tasked to distribute and collect Nomination Forms and put together a list of submitted Nominee(s) for the Grand River Local League Centres to vote on. 

Upon receiving the supplied list of Nominee(s), the Grand River Local League Centres must return their vote by April 15th for tabulation to the Ontario Minor Hockey Association Appointed Convenor for the Grand River Local League.

Any Honorary Lifetime Membership appointment will be announced at the end of the year Grand River Local League Annual General Meeting. Present Honorary Lifetime Members are:

Debbie Croft                                      Peter Glauser                                    Bill Leask

Dennis McKinna                                Rick Pearson                                      Dan Phillips

Arnie Schwarzentruber                 Gloria Town*                                     Joe Van Sickle

Richard Vollmer *




Approved:           May 10, 2016

Updated:             September 13, 2016

                                May 9, 2017

                                September 12, 2017

                                May 8, 2018

                                May 7, 2019

                                September 29, 2021

                                September 27, 2022

                                September 19, 2023

                                September 19, 2024

                                October 11, 2024