Rules & Regulations U9 & Below (Grand River Local League)

PrintRules & Regulations U9 & Below

Overarching Goals:
1. Game that is safe and fun for all participants.
2. Development of all participants.
3. Follow Hockey Canada’s U9 Canadian Player Pathway.
4. Two simultaneous ½-ice games of 4-on-4 hockey.

a) Requires minimum team size of 14 players – results in goal tender and 6 skaters on each end of the ice. Double shifting required.
b) Teams are encouraged to AP players so that always have minimum of 14 players at an event. (U8’s can be rostered to U9 but cannot AP to U9. U9 can AP to U9.)
c) If one team has less than 14 players and the other team has more than 14 players, the larger team will share with the smaller team. The smaller team will accept those players. (Be prepared for this by carrying extra jerseys.)
d) If sharing players does not get to minimum of 14 players per team, go to one ½-ice game only. Either all players participate in the one game or some players “practice” in the other end, then switch for second half of game.
e) No 3-on-3 games permitted.

a) All players play all positions – forward/defence/goaltender.
b) All players get to start the game or the second half. Carry this forward game to game if necessary.
c) All players should have the same opportunity to contribute, regardless of skill or ability. It is the coaches’ responsibility to develop all players. Shortening of the bench is not permitted. All players should receive fair and as close to equal ice time as possible.

a) Rotate goaltenders game to game. Provide all those that desire an opportunity to play goal to do so.
b) Goal tenders wear full goaltender equipment – throat protector (dangler/billy goat beard) – see OMHA Reg. 12.4.b, blocker, trapper, chest protector, leg pads and goal stick.
c) Centres should provide good quality goaltending equipment (both righthand and lefthand ) to be shared by those playing goal.

a) As shown on Page 19 of Hockey Canada’s U9 Canadian Player Pathway (copy attached).
b) I/2-ice boards preferred over bumpers or cushions along centre ice red line.
c) Where ½-ice boards block one of the doors to the players bench use another door in the boards toward the end of the rink for the home team’s bench area. This might require mats over the concrete floor and provision of a bench for the players. (Coaches should not climb on the glass to shout instruction at their players.)
d) Ideally the centre ice spot will be marked with a dot to indicate where the period opening face-off will occur and markings provided for where the nets near centre ice will be placed.

a) Full size (4x6) goal nets will be used for all games.

a) 6 oz. black puck will be used for all games.
b) Home team to supply the pucks.

a) Provide minimum 50 minutes of ice (one hour ice rental).
b) 3 minute warm-up.
c) Two periods 22 minutes and 30 seconds long – straight run-time.
d) 90 second shifts. Set score board clock to buzz indicating shift change.
e) One minute break between periods.

a) Home team is responsible for the Game Participant List.
b) Encourage the coach to delegate responsibility to team manager – someone not involved in other activities on game day.
c) Must be completed prior to the start of every game.
d) Suggest use stickers listing all team staff and players on team roster. Single line cross-out those not at the event. Neatly print any additions for that game.
e) If sharing players circle the shared player(s) and provide arrow to the other team. If share different players for each half, indicate which half the players where shared by indicating 1 or 2 next to the arrow.
f) For events with single game only, mark in “Referee Notes” “single game”. If all players participated in both halves of the single game, note that as well. If some players practiced for one half of the game, mark which players participated in the game in the first half and which ones participated in the second half of the game by marking 1 or 2 beside their name. Mark 1& 2 if they participated in both halves of the single game. (Last item required only if not all players participated in the single game.)
g) Annotate any other anomalies in the “Referee Notes”.
h) Present to the referees to sign after the game. (Take to their dressing room if they get off the ice before you get their signature.)
i) Immediately after each game (same day) email a photo or pdf copy of the Participant List to the Grand River Local League U9 Statistician.

a) The home team defends the 2 ends of the rink. The visiting team defends the centre-ice nets.
b) After the first half the visiting team switches ends and benches so players can play against the other half of the opposing team.

a) Hockey Canada playing rules apply unless noted else wise herein.
b) All players, including goaltenders, must wear mouth guards in accordance with OMHA Reg. 12.5 and Policy 4.4.4. (Must not be clear or translucent in colour.)
c) 4-on-4 plus a goaltender.
d) Minimum of one referee per ½-ice game. Referee must be registered as such with OMHA. (A second ref is permitted for training purposes.)
e) Face-offs to start each half only.
f) Players change on the fly at the buzzer.
g) At the buzzer players immediately relinquish control of the puck and go to the players’ bench. The new players enter the ice immediately. Failure to immediately relinquish control of the puck at the buzzer, or new players entering the ice surface prematurely, will result in a penalty.
h) Players double shifting must touch the boards near the door of their players’ bench prior to returning to play. It is ok if the touch is with the blade of the stick.
i) No offside or icing.
j) Continuous play. When whistles lead to a change in puck possession, the referee will signal the attacking players to back off 3 meters. Once the attacking players have moved back, play resumes as soon as the possession team has control of the puck.
k) When the goal tender freezes the puck, the referee will blow their whistle. The attacking team backs off three meters and the defending team gets possession.
l) If the puck goes out of play, the offending team backs off three meters and the referee gives the non-offending team the puck.
m) Incidental contact may happen. Body-checking is not permitted.
n) No score is kept.

a) Minor Penalties:
a. The referee will briefly raise their arm to indicate a penalty will be assessed.
b. If the offending team has control of the puck, the referee will blow their whistle to initiate a change in possession. The offending team backs up 3 meters from the puck. Play continues.
c. At the conclusion of the shift the referee will inform the coach of the infraction and number of the offender.
d. The offender will sit out their next shift. The team plays even strength – not shorthanded.

b) Major Penalties:
a. For infractions that would normally require a player to be ejected from the game (Game Misconduct, Match Penalty, Gross Misconduct) the player will be removed for the remainder of that game. The team will not play shorthanded and no incident report is required.
1. Playing Surface Set-up (Page 19 of Hockey Canada’s U9 Canadian Player Pathway).
2. Game Participant List

Hockey Canada’s U9 Player Pathway can be found at:

VERSION: September 18, 2024 - 1st draft
September 26, 2024 - Published